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General Questions

Questions which are frequently  asked by customers is given for example so that your machine trouble will be solved.

After trouble found in the hydraulic paper plate machine, you may directly call us for the suggestion, or write to us.

Always remind that the hydraulic machine is the sophisticating machine, so during operation and handle take care of the machine.

1. What is the reliability of the Hydraulic paper plate machine?

The hydraulic paper plate machine is the best reliable machine among all paper plate machines.

2. How expensive hydraulic paper plate machine?

Normally in the paper plate segment Hydraulic paper plate machine is tiny more costly than other any type of machine. But as per performance, maintenance, long life, product Question uantity, and Question uality the hydraulic machine is the best. 

3. How important hydraulic cylinder in a paper plate machine?

On operation aspects, it has to be kept in mind that a hydraulic piston is a very important spare of a hydraulic cylinder. A small scratch may be rejected by your hydraulic cylinder. 

4. My paper plate is cracked on the bottom, how can I improve?

In new condition, most of the cases dies are not finished with zero settings, so you have to scrub the dies gently in sand paper in dies female part where paper cracked. Then at the time of dies adjust on piston holder all nut tighten in the same manner.  

5. dropwise oil leakage in my hydraulic cylinder and hose connected area, how can I solve my problem?

Check your hydraulic hose connected nut to your cylinder, If the nut is tightened but oil leakage persists, then open the hose from the cylinder. After opening the hose Teflon tape wrapped with hydraulic cylinder nut, then again tighten the hose with the cylinder 

6. My hydraulic machine can not generate sufficient pressure. how can I solve the problem?

First check oil leakage in the system, if leakage is not found then the Manual relief valve rotates clockwise only one turn, if pressure is not increased then turn the valve more. After full rotation of valve, pressure not generate sufficient then change your hydraulic oil. Please check the electrical control panel for controlling the hydraulic system before operating the manual relief valve. 

7. My hydraulic cylinder only moves towards down only, how can I solve the problem?

Please check the Bidirectional solenoid valve connection with the panel correctly, also check the electrical connection phase and neutral in the system.. 

8. During running condition full automatic hydraulic paper plate machine one no roll continuously shifted in the side, how can I solve the problem?

Please check the alignment of the roll, if the alignment is right then control your roller, so that it can prevent the alignment shifting. 

9. My paddle switches not working?

Please check the electrical connection, in most of the cases it gives trouble for the wrong connection. if the connection is correct then change your paddle switch.. 

10. My motor stopped after the hydraulic piston gives pressure, how can I solve the problem?

check the manual relief valve, it may be full throttle. Try to rotate the manual relief valve rotate in the anti-clockwise direction. if trouble persists then contact your company where you purchase the machine. 

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